Mousse de chocolate com laranja. Adoro mousse de chocolate espessa e leve ao mesmo tempo cheia de bolhinhas e esta em especial tem também o sabor a laranja que combina na perfeição com o sabor do chocolate.

Receita de mousse de chocolate com laranja
2 latas de leite condensado cozido
7 ovos
1 tablete de chocolate preto, de boa qualidade
Raspa e sumo de 1 laranja
1 pitada de sal
Separe as gemas das claras. Bata as claras em castelo firme e reserve.
Bata as gemas com o leite condensado cozido. Polvilhe o chocolate com o sal e derreta o chocolate no micro-ondas ou em banho maria.
Depois do chocolate derretido, mexa a mistura.
Adicione o chocolate derretido à mistura de gemas, mexendo sempre. Junte o sumo e a raspa da laranja.
Termine envolvendo na mistura as claras em castelo que reservou anteriormente, envolva suavemente com a ajuda de uma colher de pau.
Reserve no frigorífico até a mousse ficar bem fresca.
Sirva com um grande sorriso, bom apetite!
Chocolate mousse with orange. I love chocolate mousse that’s thick and light at the same time, full of bubbles, and this one in particular also has an orange flavour that goes perfectly with the chocolate flavour.

Recipe for chocolate mousse with orange
2 tins of boiled condensed milk
7 eggs
1 tablet of good quality dark chocolate
Zest and juice of 1 orange
1 pinch of salt
Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the egg whites until stiff and set aside.
Beat the yolks with the boiled condensed milk. Sprinkle the chocolate with the salt and melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a bain marie.
Once the chocolate has melted, stir the mixture.
Add the melted chocolate to the egg yolk mixture, stirring constantly. Add the juice and zest of the orange.
Finish by adding the egg whites you set aside earlier to the mixture, stirring gently with a wooden spoon.
Set aside in the fridge until the mousse is cool.
Serve with a big smile, bon appetit!
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